20. May 2022 , 16:00 – 20:00
Urban development lives and profits from the international exchange of experiences and ideas. Berlin has a long tradition of this. In view of the major issues of the future, however, the city needs a new impetus in international cooperation projects and exchange. It is vital to find out exactly how projects are set up managed elsewhere, how old and new centres, railway projects and high streets, parks and industrial sites, existing and new residential neighborhoods are planned and designed for the future. An essential part of the programme accompanying the “Unfinished Metropolis” are therefore the International Metropolis Conferences which present guests and experts, idea and influences from the respective European capital featured.
The “London-Berlin” conference addresses a topic of particular importance in urban planning for both cities: the rapid change of High Streets and outer Town Centres. Over the past 15 years, London has developed various strategies to make them more urban and attractive and to respond to people’s changing shopping behavior. More than 250 M GBP have been invested in a series of programmes focused on regeneration and economic growth – a good opportunity to discuss what Berlin can learn, but also what strategies might not work. What has happened, who has made change happen, how has the public taken to these investments? We would like to discuss how public realm improvements and modal change are making a contribution to positive change. How development of affordable and mixed use housing has been helping (or not). How new ways of working and trading can pilot new approaches to reviving ground floors. How good design can foster lasting change.
A small number of expert speakers from London and Berlin has been invited to discuss this in a half day conference: Ülker Radziwill (State Secretary for Tenant Protection and Neighbourhood Development), Duggan (Head of Regeneration London City Hall), Fiona Scott (Gort Scott Architects), Alpa Depani (Head of Design London Waltham Forest), Julian Lewis (East Architecture) und Elke Plate (Projectleader Division Urban Development Planning at Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing). Moderation: Tobias Goevert und Cordelia Polinna.