Berlin 2020 gGmbH strives at all times to make its website as barrier-free as possible. Specifications for this are laid down in the Berlin Accessible Information and Communication Technology Act (BIKTG Bln). The technical requirements for accessibility are derived from BITV 2.0.
This declaration on digital accessibility applies to the offerings at
When was the accessibility statement created?
The last review was carried out on 31st of March 2021 by Berlin 2020 gGmbH.
How accessible is the offer?
This website only partially meets the requirements of BITV 2.0.
Which parts are not barrier-free?
The areas listed below are not accessible or are only partially accessible due to insufficient staff resources:
Images: Images that have been embedded in pages have been captioned, but not with detailed textual descriptions.
Videos: The embedded videos of the Metropolengespräche, Städtebaugespräche, Ideen 2070 and the exhibition film for the Berlin Brandenburg 2070 competition are not available in English, do not have subtitles of the spoken words, alternative texts or sign language available.
Help with accessibility problems
You can send hints about accessible content to:
Berlin 2020 gGmbH
a society of the Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein zu Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
Bleibtreustraße 33
10707 Berlin
General queries and information on accessibility: