
The following information contains the legally required information on provider identification as well as important legal information on the internet presence of Berlin 2020 gGmbH.

The provider of this internet presence in the legal sense is Berlin 2020 gGmbH of the AIV zu Berlin.

Berlin 2020 gGmbH
a society of the Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. 
Bleibtreustraße 33
10707 Berlin
Telephone: 0308834598

The Berlin 2020 gGmbH of the AIV zu Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. is legally represented by its managing director and association chairman Tobias Nöfer.

Value added tax identification number
The sales tax identification number of Berlin 2020 gGmbH is: DE 327246656
Entry in the commercial register: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 193440 B

Responsible (i.S.d.P.)
Dr. Benedikt Goebel, Managing Director and Curator

Conception of the Website
Prof. Dr. Harald Bodenschatz
Dr. Benedikt Goebel
Christina Gräwe
Thomas Haase
Celina Miriam Schlichting
Sinah Ariann Schwarz

Project Coordination
Patrick Zamojski
Dr. Benedikt Goebel
Julia Schula

Martina Rozok, Berlin 

DOM Publishers, Berlin  

Oliver Standke, Seefood 

Design and programming
Thomas Haase 

Technical Administration
Sven Hanstein 

Copyright and rights of use
The owner of the copyrights and rights of use is always indicated in the illustrations used. The copyrights and rights of use of all texts are held by Berlin 2020 gGmbH of the AIV zu Berlin-Brandenburg.