Jordi & Keller Architekten / Pellnitz Architektur und Städtebau Location: Berlin Team: M. Eng. Yannick Langer, Dipl.-Ing. Nandor Kovac, Frederic Jordi Landscape planning: Christina Kautz Landschaftsarchitektur Other specialist planning: Ludwig Krause (traffic and urban planner)
Sub-area 1: ‘Brandenburg an der Havel’
With the planned construction of the third and fourth railway rings in the metropolitan area, it is conceivable that Brandenburg an der Havel can be densified to accommodate twice its current population. The aim of the urban development plan is to promote closer interconnection between city and nature while considering historical identities. The existing buildings between Neustadt and the railway station are structurally upgraded by closing the blocks. The structures within the blocks are largely preserved. Potential development areas are located southwest of the station and in the west of the old town up to the railway line. In addition, south of the station, along the Jakobsgraben canal, the existing buildings, which have a more open composition, are densified with street-fronting buildings. When viewed from above, the expanded block structure harmonises the urban structure.
Sub-area 2: ‘Westkreuz’
Currently, when various transport systems going in different directions intersect, traffic jams and structural overloads occur, especially at peak times. The AVUS (Automobile Traffic and Practice Road) was the world’s first road created specifically for automobiles and was once an important car-racing circuit. It is redesigned as a boulevard in this concept. The car traffic is redirected underground, and the rail traffic is above ground. The track systems are converted into a green space that connects the nearby Lietzensee Park with Grunewald. The north curve houses a new football stadium, and the urban planning additions adhere to the Charlottenburg block structure. The dominant element is a gate-like situation formed by two highrise buildings with a height of up to 200 metres. A similar ensemble is also to be built at the three other train stations.
Sub-area 3: ‘Berlin-Mitte’
Only a few entries focused on Berlin-Mitte. The centre is roughly based on the historic centre of 1920. Parts of the neighbouring royal city are also enhanced based on the city plan from 1920. The Stralau Vorstadt (Stralau Suburb) is densified along the street with large residential buildings. The concept supports the idea of strengthening the historic centre with historicist architecture and additional cultural facilities. The existing housing will enter into a ‘coalition’ with the reconstructed city plan. Peter Joseph Lenné’s idea of integrating ‘jewelled water axes’ into the city is revisited. The concept proposes extending the waterway from the Engelbecken in Kreuzberg to Volkspark Friedrichshain via Strausberger Platz. The waterway is to be designed on both sides as a green space with avenues and recreational spaces.
Entrant‘s description
Star-shaped Archipelago Berlin-Brandenburg 2070 – Urban Development Concept Berlin-Brandenburg was formed out of various villages and towns. This development has led to an archipelago of centres, within and beyond Berlin, that are connected by radial axes and circular railway rings. The structure within Berlin’s inner railway ring is characterised by green islands in the dense, urban sea of houses; beyond the ring, it is characterised by settlement islands separated by green and natural spaces. Between the radials of the star-shaped structure of Berlin, the large landscape areas protrude far into the centre of the metropolitan region. The star-shaped archipelago, with its dialectic between nature and development, represents the greatest qualities and potentials of the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region. These need to be strengthened and further developed. New building sites and residential areas should be created largely within this structure based on the conversion, consolidation, and modification of existing settlement areas. The current star-shaped structure of the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region is to be expanded and differentiated with the star-shaped archipelago model proposed here. The concept of the star-shaped settlement – especially in conjunction with its visual representation in the Berlin-Brandenburg regional development plan – evokes a sense of unlimited densification within the star-shaped settlement structure. As such, it does not consider the infiltration of urbanised areas into the surrounding nature. The concept of the star-shaped archipelago, which is based on the concept of Berlin as a ‘green archipelago’ and on ideas from the Greater Berlin Competition of 1910, is to pursue this dialectical interpenetration of city and nature as a new model.
Decentralisation Goal The federal government’s decentralisation goal sets out to create equal living conditions throughout the region, with a special focus on structurally weaker rural areas. Accordingly, this urban development concept assumes that Brandenburg’s existing towns and cities will be strengthened over the long term, in part to relieve the pressure on Berlin. The measures proposed here can accommodate up to twice the number of inhabitants in the metropolitan region without compromising the quality of outdoor spaces and with only a minimal amount of additional soil sealing.
Railway Rings Berlin currently has an inner railway ring and an outer railway ring. Two additional railway rings will be created. These will link the existing centres along the radial railway lines, strengthening them and helping to reduce transit traffic through Berlin. The third ring will largely run on existing railway tracks or directly along the Berlin circular motorway or ring road and will connect towns such as Oranienburg, Bernau, Straußberg, Königs Wusterhausen, Beelitz, and Nauen. The fourth ring will connect the so-called ‘second-tier ’cities, including Brandenburg an der Havel, Frankfurt an der Oder, and Cottbus. Both rings could link new sites that emerge for industries and businesses (such as Tesla) with the next locations on the respective ring. As a result, these sites will remain close to the new settlements and to Berlin.
Sub-area Brandenburg an der Havel The strengthening of second-tier cities such as Brandenburg an der Havel, Frankfurt an der Oder, and Cottbus is a focus of the strategic development concept. The great qualities of these cities – their unity with the landscape, their historic city centres, and their good connections to Berlin – make them ideal as regional centres. When expanding these cities, it is important to preserve their historical character and their close connection to nature. The city of Brandenburg an der Havel is a good example of a second-tier city. The existing structures and the natural and organic elements of the city are integrated and further developed. The existing buildings with their block structures are further densified and extended to the city’s edge, marking a clear transition to the surrounding landscape. The contrast between the organic forms of the city, which can be found in the historic centre, and the typical elements of industrial development such as tall silos, is explored in the form of new landmarks. At the same time, the natural spaces also enter into the city, so that the city and nature reconnect in a variety of ways.
Sub-area Westkreuz The basic ideas of the master plan are exemplified by the development plan for the Westkreuz area: densification within the settlement boundaries, the development and conversion of traffic areas and unused areas, and the strengthening of the intersections of the railway rings and railway radials. The Westkreuz suburban railway station will be expanded to become a regional railway station which, like the Gesundbrunnen station, will allow riders to transfer from regional trains from the surrounding areas to the suburban ring railway. The motorway will now run underground and be partially dismantled. This will eliminate its destructive ‘barrier effect’. A dense, socially and functionally mixed urban district is planned on the large site and will be networked with the surrounding quarters. At Westkreuz, and at the three other railway intersections (Südkreuz, Ostkreuz, and Nordkreuz), two high-rise buildings with a height of between 100 and 200 metres will be built as a gateway to central Berlin. These pairs of high-rise buildings frame the high-rise groups in the central locations in the city centre. Most of the old railway tracks will be converted into a park, which will connect Grunewald to the east-west axis via the Lietzensee Park. The east-west axis will be developed into a green boulevard with rows of trees and a bicycle expressway in the middle.
Sub-area Berlin-Mitte A discussion of the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region cannot overlook its centre, the historic heart of Berlin. Although the strategic development in the present concept primarily focuses on strengthening towns on the rings, central Berlin plays a vital role for the entire region. The historical development of Berlin from a small settlement into the political centre of Germany can only be observed here. The cultural institutions in the city centre also radiate across the entire metropolitan region. For the medieval core, it is proposed that the existing buildings from the GDR era are brought into a dialogue with a critical reconstruction of the historic city plan, so that Berlin’s long history is once again legible and the individual histories of the buildings can be remembered through their historical addresses. To the east of Berlin’s medieval centre, Lenné’s ‘green corridor’ project is revisited, and the connection between the Engelbecken and Volkspark Friedrichshain (via Straussberger Platz) is converted into a continuous green corridor and monumentalised by large urban squares.
Strategic Reflections on the Process As yet, there is no common, trans-national public discourse on the strategic development of the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region. With its plans and images, the Berlin-Brandenburg 2070 competition offers an outstanding opportunity to initiate and advance this discussion. The winners of the competition should develop a common and comprehensive concept for the area’s long-term development through a multi-year process involving a dialogue with the public. This should be conducted in cooperation with the joint state planning authorities and in exchange with the citizens of the two states.
KOPPERROTH / SMAQ / Alex Wall Location: Berlin / Berlin / Cambridge (USA) / / Team: Evelina Faliagka, Moritz Maria Karl, Dominik Renner Landscape architecture: Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Tischer, freelance landscape architect Other specialist planning: Office MMK – Urban Technologies
Sub-area 1:
At the edges of the settlement radials, areas are divided into small parcels to promote a mix of uses. This not only stimulate agriculture, but spatially defines the populated areas. The parcels structure a dense network of paths and create parklike landscapes. Existing settlements are supplemented, and new development areas for housing, recreational activities, and energy facilities are set in a spatially defined environment. This in-between landscape can be used as an experimental space for organic farming, decentralised energy supply, and alternative settlement areas, which simultaneously counteracts urban sprawl. Special places are marked and represented in the form of zeros, or circles. As a result, individual uses such as small settlements, agricultural businesses, and energy systems can be placed in the landscape.
Sub-area 2:
Inspired by the spatial arrangement of allotment gardens, ‘parcels’ measuring 150 x 150 metres are defined. Each of these clusters can be divided and expanded to accommodate different uses. The supply of energy and water is decentralised and is managed through collective self-government. 50 per cent of each parcel must be cultivated agriculturally to maintain the character of a park landscape. The parcels are enclosed by hollows and depressions, which ensure the retention and infiltration of surface water along the path system. The planting of trees and hedges creates natural corridors that improve the microclimate. The outlined grid depicts the network of public paths. The parcels are awarded in the form of heritable leaseholds based on concept-based applications. This land-use concept promotes social and ecological forms of living with the aim of establishing a ‘transition society’ for more open and flexible lifestyles.
Sub-area 3:
There are allotment gardens with low structural density along main access roads such as the A114 and the suburban railway line between Französisches Buchholz and Blankenfelde (including the Blankenfelde railway station and a new possible railway station on Bucherstrasse). These areas are suitable for new developments, particularly since technical infrastructure and public transport are already available. Here, the concept is centred on orderly densification along the radials. Existing landscape elements such as avenues, alluvial meadows, and the Panke River are renaturalised. The desired mixed-use environment, which includes housing, office spaces, manufacturing, and logistics centres, generates a variety of building typologies that allow high structural density. In the areas that transition to the historic green villages, the design places housing estates with single-family homes and integrates a small part of the allotment garden settlements into the landscape area.
Entrant‘s description
Berlin is growing, and with it, the surrounding areas in Brandenburg. Over the past century, Brandenburg and Berlin have become increasingly interconnected due to developments along the transport axes that make up the rays of the star-shaped settlement structure. It makes sense to further develop the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region along existing infrastructural lines and arteries and to consolidate the star-shaped settlement structure. However, a new perspective and a future-oriented economic and social vision are needed. To this end, we must strengthen the Brandenburg regions surrounding Berlin in response to the dynamic expansion of Berlin’s centre. The development model for the metropolitan region should be based on three initiatives. First, we need to regenerate the landscape as an ecological environment, social milieu, and economic force. Second, we need to create an interface between the city and countryside. This interface must be marked by a legible outline within the star-shaped settlement structure; and it must serve as an ‘ecotone’, ‘edge habitat’, or ‘transition area’. Third, we need to interconnect the radial axes with green areas and water and link the settlement rays with orbital streets surrounding them, thus developing the star into a network.
Our strategy of gradually converting Berlin-Brandenburg into an urbanised-landscaped region is based on expanding and activating existing landscapes and infrastructural structures and reanimating latent existing ones. The strategy also involves introducing new innovative uses and leaving enough flexible spaces for unforeseen uses. A sustainable metropolis can only be developed on the basis of the landscape or countryside as a starting point. For Berlin and Brandenburg, the typical landscape structures include waterways, tree-lined avenues, ‘Angerdöfer’ (villages built around a central village green), and fields. The various terrains, soils, water structures, local climates, and habitats are the basis for both the diversification of landscape structures and structural development strategies. The Schmettau map series includes historical ordnance survey maps of the area and offers valuable clues for activating the landscape. Densification measures should occur along the existing, often well-equipped infrastructures, particularly the arteries along railway and tram lines. The existing access network composed of historic tree-lined avenues is well suited to accommodate new forms of micromobility (on-demand buses, shared mobility, e-bikes). This creates a close-knit development network between less densely populated areas. Motorway feeder roads lying within the outer ring road become expressways and serve to transport goods, thus supporting inner-city production sites and factories. Travellers heading towards the city centre with private modes of transport from the surrounding areas and outskirts can transfer to the suburban train on the outer ring. A socially just and open society requires spatial and economic freedom in which diverse lifestyles and integration models can be tested and practised. Concept-based land-allocation procedures, designed to prevent the appreciation of real estate value, serve to promote cooperative, non-profit housing and make development projects accessible to smaller players. We illustrate our strategy of gradually converting the capital region into a landscaped-urbanised area with proposals for three specific locations. There are three main areas of focus: regional parks, new housing construction, and the transformation of the rays of the star-shaped settlement structure. Here, we specifically explore the settlements along the ray composed of Pankow, Buch, Bernau, and Barnim. A socially just and open society requires spatial and economic freedom in which diverse lifestyles and integration models can be tested and practised. Concept-based land-allocation procedures, designed to prevent the appreciation of real estate value, serve to promote cooperative, non-profit housing and make development projects accessible to smaller players. We illustrate our strategy of gradually converting the capital region into a landscaped-urbanised area with proposals for three specific locations. There are three main areas of focus: regional parks, new housing construction, and the transformation of the rays of the star-shaped settlement structure. Here, we specifically explore the settlements along the ray composed of Pankow, Buch, Bernau, and Barnim.
Mosaic of Contextual and Inherent Diversity The contour is formed by the contextual arrangement of five urban and rural elements that form a spatial mosaic: nature reserves; forest clearings; housing and regenerative microfarming; new urban areas; and special-use structures, large-scale projects, and energy infrastructure. These building blocks contribute to the densification of the star-shaped settlement structure and also strengthen the rural areas of Brandenburg, in part by reintroducing nature. Depending on the location, the mosaic can promote urban development or be a site of innovative agriculture and exemplary natural strategies. This is the strength of the contour: each building block consists of a variety of lifestyles, forest ecosystems, and biotopes.
Barnim Regional Park (Bernau-Werneuchten) In addition to the existing nature parks, four special park landscapes – regional parks – are to be established, two of which are already well developed. The new regional park between Bernau and Werneuchen will function as an incubator, stimulating the landscape transformation process. The Schmettau map series provides a point of reference for the reconstruction and development measures, as the microtopography and soil conditions have remained largely unchanged. These natural areas are to be expanded exponentially in relation to the current state (approximately by a factor of ten). In addition, existing forests are to be gradually returned to their original condition or repurposed for land-use management or – as natural parks and nature preserves – integrated into the surroundings.
Contour Mosaic, Focus: New Housing in the Relevant ‘Mosaic Stone’ The contour consists of five different urban and rural building blocks and creates an ecologically, economically, and socially diverse living environment by offering a mix of new housing developments and introducing new flora. The example used here is the area between Buch and Schwanebeck, which is crossed by the A10 motorway.
New Residential Construction This mosaic stone establishes an experimental field that promotes ecological and social living spaces as well as diversity. As an ‘edge habitat’, it can accommodate various lifestyles within a parcel and promotes a decentralised, collective method of supplying energy and water. The structure and scale of the settlement is based on the dimensions that are required for agricultural self-sufficiency. The average parcel measures around 150 × 150 metres, which can be expanded or subdivided according to location and use. Existing landscape and building structures are either integrated or delineate the structure. Each parcel is surrounded by a public network of roads that can be flexibly assigned to different types of traffic. Mixed-use constellations are to be ensured by an application process in which the applicant’s socio-ecological innovation concept is stated. The ensuing diversity in lifestyles will enable new qualities: economic construction methods; mutual care; carpooling; diverse public spaces; and innovations in agricultural-ecological undertakings. The parcels are leased and not sold.
Lifelines, focus: redesigning a section of a radial street within Berlin; redesigning a section of an arm of the star-shaped settlement (Brandenburg). The sub-area considered as an example lies in northern Pankow near Französisches Buchholz and Blankenburg. The development builds on the historical landscape structure with its tree-lined avenues, ditches, and villages and includes more recent additions, such as the motorway and the suburban railway. The redesign is based on the principle that existing and developed infrastructures in this area, which is characterised by low density, can and should support more residents and activities in a growing metropolitan region. The radial roads are integrated into a network of various arteries and forms in which the waterways, motorway, and suburban railway become supporting radials. This network constitutes the arteries of the star-shaped settlement structure and links the contour’s mosaics with the star’s interior. Along the arteries, between the arteries, and especially where transport routes intersect, higher densities are created through densification, the formation of public spaces, city projects, and the promotion of local and regional trade and production. The existing transport infrastructures become their ‘lifelines’.
Bernd Albers / Silvia Malcovati / Günther Vogt Location: Berlin / Potsdam / Zurich / / Team: M. A. Dan Dahari (project leader), B.A. Iveel Bold, Dipl.-Ing. Maren Brakebusch, Bess Laaring, Dr. Gereon Uerz,Dipl.-Ing. M. Arch Rudi Scheuermann, Ibrahem Alsalamh Landscape architecture: VOGT LANDSCHAFT GMBH Other specialist planning: Arup Deutschland GmbH
Sub-area 1: Tempelhof – Südkreuz
The area between Südkreuz and Tempelhofer Feld along the suburban railway line currently consists of abandoned commercial sites, railway facilities, allotment gardens, peripheral areas near the former Templehof Airport, and remaining areas surrounding the Südkreuz railway station. The A10 metropolitan motorway and the suburban railway ring dominate the urban situation. The design demonstrates how one can further develop these districts based on the existing nineteenth-century urban structure and clearly distinguishes it from the garden city of Neu-Tempelhof (also known as ‘Fliegersiedlung’ – ‘Aviation Settlement’). The buildings along the railway ring function as distinct urban borders. For the Aviation Settlement, the development proposal adheres to the proportions of the existing residential buildings in the sub-areas. The development along the railway line mixes housing, workplaces, and essential amenities. The additional buildings south of the airport building, like the building itself, accommodate cultural and research institutions. A group of three high-rise buildings marks the centre and forms a gateway to the south.
Sub-area 2: Bernau
There is great potential for urban development to the northwest and southeast of the Bernau railway station. Two conversion areas along the railway line, which penetrate into the surrounding landscape to the southwest, consist of settlements with transport infrastructure that are intended to initiate a new phase of mixed-use urban development. The proximity of the A10 and A11 junction and of inexpensive local, regional, and long-distance rail connections support the idea of urban expansion at this location. The concept foresees high densification here, in contrast to the existing districts. In the area surrounding the railway station, block structures have been developed that enclose the railway line and open to the north and south. To the northeast, the conversion area is lined with a series of U-shaped buildings that form a large-scale addition to Panke Park. The auxiliary functions in the southwest area are intended to support tourism and accommodate a wider range of recreational activities.
Sub-area 3: Schwedt an der Oder
The former royal seat of Schwedt an der Oder, which was badly destroyed in the Second World War, lies on the northeastern edge of the regional development plan. The town of Schwedt would benefit greatly from a rail connection along the existing Berlin–Stettin line. The design concept envisages establishing this connection and incorporating the central station area of Schwedt into a new urban mixed-use location. Gaps and remaining areas in the urban structure are filled, and new constellations are developed – based on the concept of critical reconstruction – to revive the historical city layout. A unique selling point is the landscape of the lower Oder Valley with its nature reserves and national park. Uniting the urban development more closely with the river landscape would not only strengthen the area around the Uckermark areal with the former royal palace but would also signify an upgrade for the entire city.
Entrant‘s description
Growing Together: The Landscape City Berlin and Brandenburg Will Grow Together
A future concept for the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region not only requires cooperative political processes but must also include a master plan for the city and the surrounding countryside. This plan is based on historical considerations and on the existing potential and characteristics of the Berlin-Brandenburg urban and natural landscape.
Towns in Berlin and Brandenburg will expand inwards. Berlin has great potential for internal growth, densification, and spatial optimisation. This potential can be realised through the use of vacant lots and brownfield sites and through the transformation of existing infrastructures. Berlin’s green character must also be preserved, as it embodies a matchless legacy of urban planning and will be increasingly important for the area’s climatic balance in the future. Towns in Brandenburg also have much capacity for growth within their borders. This inner growth can preserve and bolster the particular characteristics of the state’s more urban areas. Railways will ensure future mobility and transport. Against the backdrop of climate change and the energy transition, the expansion of the road and motorway network is not a satisfactory solution for the future. In contrast, railway transport allows for a more sustainable future driven by the digital revolution. The future growth of the city will take place near new railway lines.
Berlin-Brandenburg and Europe The global shift towards sustainable modes of transport and the expansion of railway and water transport are turning the Berlin-Brandenburg region into a hub of diverse cultural and trade corridors in the German and European context. Accordingly, this railway and waterway network is undergoing continuous optimisation. Growth takes place along the radial axes and connects the towns and city. The urban expansion areas follow the star-shaped railway lines between the protected natural landscape and cultural landscapes, thereby transforming the scattered settlement areas into more compact urban structures. In this way, buildable land for one million new residents is gained without radically altering the character of the urban structure or disturbing the harmonious natural areas.
The Countryside Comes to the Towns The Berlin countryside is characterised by forests, lakes, and agricultural areas and harbours unique potential for the climatic and ecological regeneration of the region in the future. Strengthening the spatial connection between these areas and improving their incorporation into the growing and increasingly populous urban region is central to our concept. Natural and cultural landscapes will be boosted with the appropriate infrastructure and networks of paths for outdoor activities. Cultural landscapes reinforce the perception and appreciation of the region as an integrated entity and intensify the population’s connection with it, promoting empathy between the rural and urban residents.
The radial settlement arteries complement one another along the railway lines with their adjacent cultural landscapes. They reinforce Berlin’s star-shaped settlement structure and result in a coherent structure with complementary qualities: city, cultural landscape, and agricultural land. The third ring connects the radial arteries. We are adding a new third ring to the first and second rings to accelerate the connection routes between the towns on the outskirts of Berlin, thereby avoiding detours through Berlin. Because of the density and proximity of many towns in the north, east, and south, the third ring will also link these places; and the third ring will join the second ring to the west of Potsdam. This bypass optimises the internal dynamics of the second and third rings. The area inside Berlin’s first railway ring becomes the geometric centre of Berlin’s series of concentric transport rings. The third ring significantly increases mobility in the areas surrounding Berlin and reduces their dependence on the city. This ring will be realised in phases. The first segment will be built in the northeast, since the greatest added value is expected there, in coordination with the growth of Brandenburg’s centres. One can ensure the desired network optimisation, even when building the third ring in stages, by connecting it to the radial transport axes. Urban centres, composed of housing, commercial spaces, and social infrastructures, which will in turn benefit from optimal transport infrastructure, will emerge near the intersections of the rings and radial axes. Thus, Brandenburg’s growth areas near the third ring will see more opportunities to develop and connect with one other independently of Berlin.
The Third Ring as an Elevated Railway The third ring is conceived as an elevated railway in order to protect the cultural landscape, agriculture, and wildlife. This also simplifies intersections between roads, motorways, and rivers. Lightweight construction fosters a harmonious relationship with nature and agriculture. The elevated trains provide a pleasing view of the surrounding countryside, and the suburban train stations in the towns become attractive centres. We have selected three locations to illustrate the master plan. We analyse each location in terms of mobility, history, growth, and landscape. Two of the locations (Tempelhof-Südkreuz and Bernau) are situated at the intersection of radials and rings; the third location (Schwedt) is situated along a radial. Using these locations as examples, we demonstrate the characteristic features of the Berlin-Brandenburg region. These include: urban areas with contradicting histories; industries; diverse natural areas; good railway networks; and strong growth potential. Tempelhof-Südkreuz has always been an exceptional area as it has remained undeveloped and is characterised by railways, meadows, barracks, and training areas. Today, the neighbouring intersections of the first ring and railway radials (Südkreuz) and of the B96 motorway, the underground, and the urban motorway (Tempelhof) offer unique potential for urban development. Tempelhofer Feld is important as a recreation site and cold-air production area for the city centre. The optimal transport connections near Tempelhofer Damm make it ideal for large cultural projects in Berlin-Brandenburg. The former airport site could house a new state library, university campuses, and research centres. The areas along the railway will be mixed-use districts. The three prominent high-rise buildings at the junction of the B96 motorway, underground railway, and urban motorway make it an ideal location for a regional centre. The railway line is accompanied by a bike path, which enables fast journeys between the railway station and airfield. The urban motorway is ideal for future bicycle use. No longer isolated, Tempelhof-Südkreuz is now integrated into the urban landscape and fulfils an important function in Berlin. Bernau bei Berlin is a great example of a Brandenburg town with a colourful architectural history. The structure of the medieval wall and rampart continues to shape Bernau today. Socialist modernisation policies established in 1975 damaged but did not eradicate the fabric of the city centre. The railway runs from Berlin to the northeast, towards Szczecin and the Baltic Sea. The two military facilities testify to the importance of railway connections for the city. The construction of the third ring – and of the intersection with the north–south radial – will transform Bernau into a transport hub, which will promote the development of the areas near the railway station and the old town. The repurposed military complexes could accommodate new homes and research facilities. The renaturalisation of the Panke River and Panke Park nearby will allow residents to live surrounded by nature and enjoy optimal connections to other locations in the region. For regional tourism, the district of Barnim, starting from Bernau, offers an ideal point of departure, not least for tourists on bicycles. Three city models characterise Schwedt an der Oder: the medieval city (1265), the baroque city palace (1685) with its magnificent landscaped axis leading to the Mon Plaisir summer palace, and the model socialist city (Selmanagic 1960, Paulick 1962) built for the workers of the crude oil processing plant. Under the socialists, the city palace was destroyed in 1962 and replaced with the Palace of Culture. All three city models are in a fragmentary state today. Beyond the Oder lies a meadow landscape with one of more important bridges across the river. A railway line connects Schwedt, via Angermünde, to the radial axis running through Berlin, Stettin, and the Baltic Sea. We wish to optimise this connection, so that the radial axis will include a high-speed train from Berlin to Szczecin via Schwedt. This high-speed train will then continue along the Oder to the Baltic Sea. Appropriate city planning measures in Schwedt can bring together mobility, urban history, and nature to form a complementary and symbiotic relationship. It is possible to reanimate the three city models: by restoring the old town; by building around the castle near the theatre; by revitalising the green axis and the Mon Plaisir park; and by completing the town centre based on the socialist city model, with new buildings for research and tourist facilities. The new significance of the railway station will lead to urban densification and better transport connections. Former prefab building complexes will be renatured, and the alluvial landscape will be protected against development. These interventions and the growing regional tourism along the Oder, with its new port, municipal swimming complex, and national park, open up the best prospects for Schwedt, located on the railway line between the Baltic Sea and Berlin.