not awarded
Phase 2
not awarded
Phase 2

The World Island of Berlin Brandenburg 2070: From Star to Galaxy

Second Phase, Short- and Longlisted Entries


MLA+ Berlin (Müller Michael Architekten PartGmbB) / MLA+ Rotterdam (MLA+ B. V.) /
manufacturing cities / HOSPER landschapsarchitectuur en stedenbouw
Location: Berlin / Rotterdam
Team: Robert Younger, Ildar Biganyakov, Martin Probst
Other specialist planning: MORE Landscape (Hanneke Kijne, ehem. Hosper landschapsarchitectuur en stedenbouw),
Martin Aarts, Ulrich Hellweg, Studio Amore (Burke Harmel Jank GbR), Sven Kröger

Concept 1- 100% City, 100% Landscape

Concept 2 – The Blue Archipelago

Concept 3 – ‘The Constellations’: Brandenburg’s Cities

Concept 4 – ‘The New Sky over Berlin’

Concept 5 – ‘Berlin, The City that is Always Becoming and Never is’

Concept 6 – Material Orbits

Entrant‘s description

The World Island of Berlin Brandenburg 2070: From Star to Galaxy
Much is uncertain today. How will we live in 50 years’ time? How will climate change alter our cities? How will cities be governed? Such questions are difficult to answer reliably for the future. Technology, urbanisation and socio-­economic developments are changing agglomerations ever faster, and a shift in this dynamic seems unlikely. Berlin and its surroundings are defined by both the built and the unbuilt, as well as by a certain approach and a mindset. The last 100 years, particularly in Berlin, have demonstrated that the built and the planned can change drastically and fundamentally. Berlin and Brandenburg as ideas and attitudes are evolving. They effortlessly combine Fontane and Berghain, Humboldt and Scharoun, Schinkel and Eberswalde. What must a 2070 narrative achieve for Berlin and the surrounding area of Brandenburg?
